Listening to Spirit: One Lightworker's Story
Joseph Anthony
Sachbuch / Psychologie, Esoterik, Spiritualität, Anthroposophie
The only thing you really need to know is that all is God and all is good. For those of you who understand this, there is no need to read any further. This book is for those who are seeking greater understanding about the nature of God at work in their world and in their lives.
Joseph Anthony's spiritual unfolding began in his early twenties with a profound experience of cosmic unity in which he saw everything as a single divine, loving, conscious energy.Nothing was excluded; even the air was conscious and appeared as dancing pinpoints of light. He knew instantly that this was the true reality, and that what he had previously thought to be real was, as one of his later teachers said, only a "play of consciousness."The experience opened up an active channel to the higher realms for him that manifested as enhanced intuition and direct messages and guidance from higher beings.
Joseph's life experiences reveal the omnipresence of God; the nature of the soul; the work of Lightworkers; that time is merely an artificial construct and that all events actually occur simultaneously in the mind of God; that this earthly existence is a school to learn to become more loving and to use power responsibly; and that guidance from ethereal spirits such as angels, dragons and departed masters is available to us at all times.
In 2012, he was guided along with three friends to set up a group of sixteen Lightworkers who worked together to send energy to problems throughout the world. To do this, they used crystals, healing meditation and the channeling of higher dimensional beings. Some of the transcribed channeled sessions that follow are from those meetings. Joseph also provides examples from his own life on how life flows when attuned to a fourth dimensional consciousness.
Until a decade ago, he had no intention of ever sharing this information with the public and is doing so now only because he was encouraged to do so during three different channeling sessions. He came to understand that reading about his experiences would help others to believe that their own metaphysical experiences, however unusual, were valid.He was also told that some of the information he had received needed to be more widely disseminated
About the Author
As a young adult, Joseph Anthony was blessed with a mystical revelation that all is God and that his life's purpose would be to know, love and serve God. At age 25, Joseph was diagnosed with Stage III Hodgkin's Disease. After treatment, while working as a carpenter, he was divinely inspired to go back to school. He earned a doctorate in psychology and worked for twenty years in an academic cancer center as a behavioral medicine researcher. This book is a compilation of some of his spiritual experiences and insights, offered in the hope that others might find them useful.
Ascension, Consciousness, Healing, Love, God, Channeling, Spiritual, Energy, Lightworker, Soul, Transition, dragon, Service, Creator