Broken to Wholeness
LeKeisha N Ruffin
Belletristik / Lyrik, Dramatik
Broken to Wholeness is a book of uplifting and thought-provoking poetry. It is designed to encourage its readers to embrace life and choose peace on their journey to wholeness while realizing God's unique plan for their life. In every phase of life, we are expected to make choices. The choices that we make determine the quality of life we will experience. Our choices also dictate whether we will be trapped in a state of Brokenness, or ever experience wholeness.
Each of us has experienced brokenness in one form or another. It could have been an unexpected illness, a marriage that resulted in a separation or divorce, the loss of a job, or the death of a loved one. What ever caused you to experience brokenness, please rest assured that you can be made whole again.
As you take this journey through the heart of God's anointed, please know that you will be brought from a state of brokenness to wholeness, if you hearken unto the voice of the Lord and keep His commandments.
Christianity, anxiety, depression, health, voice, grief, comfort, anger, insecurity, mental health, poetry, Christ, freedom, professionalism, instability, pride, resilience, spirituality, fear, wealth, beauty, knowledge, broken, hope, brokenness, torment, wisdom, awareness, saved, success, loss, rebellion, wholeness, foundation, rejection, hopelessness, pain, living hope, joy, inspiration, salvation, endurance, almost, power, voices, healing, ashes