Love verses Hate
James "Mr. Speaker" Sears
Belletristik / Lyrik, Dramatik
It is a common misconception that the opposite of Love is Hate, but this is not so. That distinction goes to Apathy which is a complete absence of emotion regarding another person or matter.
Love and hate exist as two energies feeding from the same source, born of similar passion, cousins of the same puising. This collection digs deep into the gaping maw that is relationship and explores the depths of the human condition; how wonderful tragic that experience can be.
James "Mr. Speaker" Sears is a highly decorated retired combat veteran, leader, mentor, author, event host, spoken word artist, poet, father, former adjunct professor, and track coach. He is currently a Department of the Army Civilian and an award-winning mentor within the military and for the Steve and Marjorie summer camp for boys. He is the author of the Heart of the Military and he has produced four spoke word CDs. Mr. Speaker is all about achievement and reaching the next level, the next goal, or the next objective.
You can keep up with James "Mr. Speaker" Sears on Facebook, Instagram or at
Romance, Romance Poetry, Love Poetry, Poems about love, POETRY, Love verses Hate, Love, Love Poems, James "Mr. Speaker" Sears Jr.