Jesus and Me
Victoria Lane
Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
Ratgeber / Lebensdeutung
I read your whole amazing and captivating book! What a huge blessing it will be to many! I love how God gave you confirmations as to say, "It's time, now go!" (Danielle M. Battson)
Have you come to the end of your road? Tried every version of "truth" out there, but you are still left empty and lost? Can you feel within you that there has to be something more than just simply going through the days without meaning or hope?
Dive into a series of lyrical poems written by a woman who couldn't keep going through the motions of life anymore. A woman who finally said, "That is enough! Lord, meet me where I am! I cannot do this anymore!" Experience the hope, peace, joy, and, most importantly, purpose, that God filled her with.
To experience this lyrical journey is not only to look through a mysterious looking glass, but to receive and begin to seek the same healing and peace God had for her. Watch how each lyrical poem is woven together by God and woman to bring about hope and healing to those who touch and read each page.
If you have this book in your hands, if you are unsure if it is for you, just know this book was made with you in mind. Give it a chance with an open heart and mind to receive all God has in store for you.
Whether you are unsure about God, whether you believe or do not believe, whether you are male, female, or someone in between, this book was written with you in mind. God has something for you in these pages. Will you be bold enough to receive it?
I spent this morning reading these lyrical poems. They are beautiful. The way she shows His faithfulness to us in all seasons of our life is such a comfort! That will be a blessing to some. Others will feel the pure love He has for us through the pages. That will be a blessing upon them. Others will be blessed with the encouragement to keep fighting their battles, asking God to fight with them. I've got to admit, the nerd in me perked up reading all of the different names of our Father. I loved that. This will be a blessing to "nerds" like me. There is a blessing for everyone in these lyrical poems. She has made something very special." (Angie D. Curts)