It's All About Leadership in Schools...
Murry J. Schekman
Schule und Lernen / Schulbücher Allgemeinbildende Schulen
This article is about leadership through the eyes someone who started as an instructional aid and ended his career as a superintendent. In between he served as a teacher, counselor, assistant principal, principal of six schools, director, assistant superintendent, college professor and finally-superintendent. He opened a new high school and led the process of building a school culture from the ground up. In his final year he conducted a variety of workshops for the young administrative team. This led to the compilation of some compelling anecdotes about kids, teachers, other staff, parents and the community around the school. It offers some fun insights into what works and some of what doesn't! There are specific ideas about designing the master schedule of classes, discipline, parental involvement, building school culture, burnout and more. It is tied to research, sometimes after the fact! The centerpiece is the important role that our enthusiasm plays in how we lead!
It's All About Leadership in Schools..., Leadership in Schools, Educational book for students