What Now?
Rachel Biale
Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe, Alltag
What Now? 2-Minute Tips for Solving Common Parenting Challenges offers practical, psychologically-sound, step-by-step parenting tips from birth to age ten. The tips are presented in a lively Q&A format. Each topic is covered in approx. 800 words - a 2-minute read, which is essential for today's over-extended, time-pressured parents. The book is organized chronologically, from infancy through school age (age 10), and each section is built thematically, addressing sleep & nursing, behavior issue (temperament, play, social development and limit setting), learning about the big world (difficult issues such as death and illness, poverty and violence) and family dynamics (including holiday celebrations, relationships with the extended family, etc.).
The book's style is very personal: the reader feels as if s/he is sitting with Rachel over a cup of coffee, as she offers parenting tips that are straightforward, easy to put into action, and will bring results. Most importantly, parents reading the book feel supported: they are already doing a good job - certainly the best they can; they just need a little help to get out of their immediate conundrum.
The book is based on over 40 years of experience as a clinical social worker counseling parents and young children.
toddlers, temper tantrums, sharing, babies, child development, infants, Parenting, limit setting, school-age, sleep, social development, preschoolers