Finding Beauty in Your Broken Pieces
Samantha Kaaua
Ratgeber / Familie
Personal Development/Relationships
Are you tired of feeling crazy in your most intimate relationship? Are you sick of empty promises, lies, and feeling betrayed by your partner? Are you frustrated that despite all the work you’ve done on yourself you feel more alone than ever before?
Samantha Kaaua knows these feelings all too well. While embarking on her journey to become a marriage therapist, she faced her own marital challenges and found herself on the brink of divorce. Her new book, Finding Beauty in Your Broken Pieces, is a testament to this journey. It’s not just another relationship guide; it’s a personal account of transformation and triumph.
Samantha’s Inner Mosaic® method will help you love and trust the parts of yourself that feel broken and craft a stunning mosaic of love and understanding in your relationship. You will learn the Triple A’s of Transformation and use them to:
● Become aware of your disempowering beliefs
● Change yourself to change your relationship
● Learn to trust yourself and your partner
● Distinguish between your intuition and your fears
● Master the art of forgiveness
● Transcend into your best self
● Discover your Inner Mosaic Dance
Don’t wait for change—be the change. It’s time to find the beauty in your broken pieces and transform your relationship.
Relationships Transformation Marriage Resilience Inner Mosaic Method Awareness Alignment Forgiveness Metaphysics Mental Science Action Trust Empowerment Psychotherapy Psychology Self-discovery Limiting beliefs Resilience Compassion Personal growth