Miracles of Faith in China
Lousia Vaughan
Ratgeber / Sammeln, Sammlerkataloge
Louisa Vaughan relates many stories that took during the more than 13 years of working in China as a missionary. This book went through three editions when originally published.
If you love reading books with true historical tales, or true missionary tales, this is a great one.
Chapter Titles:
Chapter 1: My First Bible Class In China
Chapter 2: Ding Le Mei
Chapter3: The Other Six
Chapter 4: A First Venture of Faith
Chapter 5: The Farmer's Tenth
Chapter 6: The Back-Slidden Church
Chapter 7: An Evangelist's Fall
Chapter 8: Chang Prodigal and Persecuted
Chapter 9: The Woman Who Saw Heaven
Chapter 10: The Rain Story
Chapter 11: A Sequel To The Rain Story
Chapter 12: The Demoniac
Chapter 13: The Adopted Sons
Chapter 14: A Chinese Law Suit
Chapter 15: My Cook's Transformation
Chapter 16: The Pirate Island
Chapter17: The Graves of The Gods
Chapter 18: "God's Gift"
missionary biography, missionary tales, Christian history, Christianity in China