My Journey to the Light
Dave Collins
My Journey to the Light is the story of Dave Collins' journey through life from childhood to old age. The story includes childhood and family experiences. Follow the impact of his education. See him start and grow a relationship with God and develop a life mission. See the beginning and growth of his family. Follow how all these things move Dave toward maturity and completeness in order to be a light for others. Life is filled with dark hard times and bright times filled with good. You will see both described in this journey. All experiences are important and teach us. I describe my experiences and how God used those experiences to impact and develop my life. We all begin life with immature minds. As we grow, we develop a more complete understanding of life. We develop perspectives which direct our choices impacting ourselves and those around us. I describe how my experiences impacted my thinking. Most people ask questions about themselves at some time. I asked myself questions like these. Why am I here? What am I good at? What is my purpose? Does my life count? Does my life matter? Am I lovable? Another leading influence and gift in life is relationships. You will see some of the leading relationships in my life and how they have made a difference. All these things together tell a story of God at work in the life of one of his children made in his image with purpose and value. My goal in writing has been to tell a part of God's story as seen through my life. At the end of each chapter, you will see questions that point you to consider your own life with the goal of helping you know more fully your own beauty and value.