The Big Book of Cool Stuff
Ronald R. Huffman
Ratgeber / Familie
Rediscover your childhood through photos and fun facts about great toys such as G.I Joe, Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Girder and Panel building sets, Aurora slot cars, ho trains, Remco toys, and many others. This book is not intended to be a collector's guide. This book is intended to allow current and future grandparents who grew up in the 1960's to share their memories through the youthful exuberance that can only be found through toys. The toys are presented in photographs in a "played-with condition" to be enjoyed by grandchildren while they listen to their grandparents share toy stories and favorite memories. Thirty-five years of toy collecting are presented in this fun book that shares the "thrill of the hunt" and the excitement of discovery with each new page.
Nostalgia and Childhood Memories Classic Toys Intergenerational Bonding Played-With Condition" Photography Toy History and Fun Facts