And Nobody Cares Angry, Lost, And Forgotten
Joslin Fitzgerald
Circles Legacy Publishing, LLC
Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe, Alltag
Congratulations on buying And Nobody Cares Angry, Lost, And Forgotten. This is a very Exciting, and Unique SELF-HELP book that's full of Comforting Original Writing and Caring Insight. You will appreciate that this book has every page in COLOR and that it has been kept short so you can easily read it as a book, or a daily journal. In that goal this book has been written to Help show you how you can be your OWN THERAPIST! To do that you need to find the HELP you need to end your feelings of ANGER. That's why reading these pages just as the Author found her ability to heal her heart and mind. It is the Author's hope after reading these pages that you TOO will no longer feel lost or forgotten. And as you keep going through your days and nights, while realizing you are Trying to find a rescuing Lifeline in your life. With You feeling angry, lost, forgotten, defeated, confused, and empty all the time. Understanding that you bought this Beautiful ONE OF A KIND comforting Self-help inspirational book for a Rescuing reason. Right now, you are wondering CAN YOU REALLY BE YOUR OWN THERAPIST. And asking that question you are also wondering...why the Happy Celebrating cover does Not Match the challenging, Self-evaluating, negative, slightly depressing, confusing title. And the reason for those opposite attracts differences that have Secretly been Hidden in the insightful description, combined with the Joyous look of the Uplifting illustration. Is to remind you, in that Negative Positive way that even though you Think nobody cares what happens to you today.... You will See when YOU CHANGE YOUR defeatist, Poor Me, Doomsday attitude THINGS WILL CHANGE FOR YOU. That means when YOU CHANGE YOU!.... Likewise, when YOU CHANGE YOUR DEPRESSING ISOLATED WAY OF THINKING too THINGS WILL GET BETTER FOR YOU. Bottom line WHEN YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND, and you Stop being angry, also Confused, while NO LONGER feeling lost and forgotten all of the time. By being your OWN THERAPIST, You will find WHEN YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE... that there will always be SOMEBODY out there to HELP you, who loves you unconditionally, and who wants you to have a healthy mind and a nice life!
anger, therapist, freedom, change, lost, guidance, self-help, love, scripture, peace, comfort, forgotten, happiness, rehabilitation, therapy, inspiration