Blending Indian Farmers' Traditional Knowledge in Agriculture with Modern Scientific Technologies
A. Subba Rao (Hrsg.), C. L. Acharya (Hrsg.), P. Gurumurthy (Hrsg.), R.S. Chaudhary (Hrsg.)
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Landwirtschaft, Gartenbau
This book is a compilation of 37 chapters covering various agro ecosystems of India with respect to Indian farmers’ traditional knowledge and technology in agriculture specifically in nutrient management, crop production, water management and conservation, soil conservation and plant protection, which have been passed on from one generation to other since centuries. The book explains the scopes of blending this traditional knowledge with modern scientific technologies in agriculture with an aim of reducing production cost, improving soil health and use efficiency of costly market purchased inputs, water conservation and better environment.
In the present era of continued degradation of natural resources of India, (primarily soil, water, and nutrients), falling soil health, poor use efficiency of agricultural inputs like fertilizer nutrients imported/ purchased at huge costs, it has become a big challenge to maintain the food production and simultaneously to sustain the soil health and productivity. The problem is further made complex by the changing climate, high levels of soil erosion and rising demands of ever-increasing population of the country for food, fodder, fibre, and fuel. In the face of such an alarming situation, the blending of low-cost traditional knowledge of Indian farmers and use of locally available inputs/ resources with the modern scientific technologies in agriculture, is seen as a major hope in increasing the input use efficiency, protection/conservation of the soil, water and nutrients towards sustainable crop production and food security without compromising the soil health.
The book will be of interest to the scientists/researchers, extension workers, capacity builders, planners, government administrators, teachers, and students.
Input use efficiency, Soil health, Traditional knowledge in agriculture, Modern agricultural technologies, Soil-water-tillage-nutrient interaction, Natural resource conservation.