Kamakhya Prasad Ghatak, Jayita Pal
World Scientific Publishing Company
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Naturwissenschaften allgemein
In recent years, there has been considerable interest in studying the quantum capacitance (QC) in 2D quantum MOSFETs (QMOSFET) and 1D Nano Wire FET (NWFET) devices of various technologically important materials which find extensive applications in many directions in low dimensional electronics. The 2D and 1D electron statistics in inversion layers of MOSFETs can rather easily be varied by changing the gate voltage which, in turn, brings a change of the surface electric field, the QC depends on the gate-voltage. This first-of-its-kind book deals solely with the QC in 2D MOSFETs of non-linear optical, ternary, quaternary, III-V compounds, II-VI, IV-VI, stressed Kane type, Ge, GaP, Bismuth telluride, Gallium Antimonide and their 1D NWFETs counter parts. The influence of quantizing magnetic field, crossed electric and magnetic fields, parallel magnetic field, have also been considered on the QC of the said devices of the aforementioned materials. The influences of strong light waves and ultra-strong electric field present in nano-devices have also been considered. The accumulation layers of the quantum effect devices of the said materials have also been discussed in detail by formulating the respective dispersion relations of the heavily doped compounds. The QC in 1D MOSFET of the said materials have also been investigated in this context on the basis of newly formulated electron energy spectra in all the cases. The QC in quantum well transistors and magneto quantum well transistors together with CNTFETs have been formulated and discussed in detail along with I-V equations of ballistic QWFETs and NWFETs together with their heavily doped counter parts under different external physical conditions. In this context, experimental determinations are suggested of the Einstein relation for the Diffusivity-Mobility ratio, the Debye screening length, Elastic Constants and the content of this book finds twenty-two different applications in the arena of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
This book contains hundred open research problems which form the integral part of the text and are useful for both PhD aspirants and researchers.
- Dedication
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- About the Authors
- The Quantum Capacitance (QC) in 2D Quantum Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor-Field Effect Transistors (QMOSFET) of Nonlinear Optical, Tetragonal, III–V and Optoelectronic Materials
- The QC in QMOSFETs of Other Important Materials
- The QC in QWT of Important Materials
- The QC in Quantized Transistors (QTs) Under Magnetic Quantization
- The QC in 2D QWTs of Important Materials Under Cross-Fields Configuration
- The QC in 2D MOSFETs of Important Materials Under Cross-Fields Configuration
- The QC in Nanowire (NW) FETs of Important Materials
- The QC in 2D QMOSFETs of Important Materials Under Accumulation Mode of Operation
- The Influence of Magnetic Quantization on the QC in QMOSFETs Operated Under Accumulation Mode
- The QC in 2D MOSFETs of Important Materials Operated Under Accumulation Mode in the Presence of Cross-Fields Configuration
- The QC in Heavily Doped Quantum Well Transistors (HDQWT) of Important Materials
- The QC in Heavily Doped Quantum Well Transistors (HDQWT) Under Magnetic Quantization
- The QC in Heavily Doped Quantum Well Transistors (HDQWT) Under Cross-Fields Configuration
- The QC in Heavily Doped NWFETs of Important Materials
- The QC in Quantized Transistors in the Presence of Strong Light Waves
- The QC in Quantized Transistors in the Presence of Strong Electric Field
- Conclusion and Scope for Future Research
- The Numerical Values of the Energy Band Constants of Few Materials
- The ID–VD Equation for Ballistic NWFETs
- The ID–VD Equation for Ballistic HDNWFETs
- ID–VD Equation for Ballistic MOSFETs
- ID–VD Equation for Ballistic QWFETs
- The ID–VD Equation for Ballistic HDQWFETs
- ID–VD Equation for Ballistic MAGNETO QWFETs
- ID–VD Equation for Ballistic MAGNETO HDQWFETs
- The ID–VD Equation in Magneto MOSFETs
- The Generalized Distribution Functions in Heavily Doped Materials
- Subject Index
- Materials Index
Readership: Graduate students, engineers and professionals in the fields of solid state electronics, materials science, nano-science, nanotechnology and nano materials in general.
Key Features:
- This first book solely deals with the Quantum Capacitance In Quantized Transistors and we have considered the quantum capacitances in 2D MOSFETs of non-linear optical, ternary, quaternary, III-V compounds, II-VI, IV-VI, stressed Kane type, Ge, Gap, Bismuth telluride, Gallium Antimonide and their 1D NWFETs counter parts. The influences of quantizing magnetic field, crossed electric and magnetic fields, parallel magnetic field, have also been considered on the QC of the said quantized transistors of the aforementioned materials. The influences of strong light waves and ultra-strong electric field present in nano devices have also been considered. The accumulation mode of operation of the quantum effect devices of the said materials have also been discussed in details by formulating the respective dispersion relations of the heavily doped compounds. The QC in heavily doped CNTFETs have also been investigated in this context on the basis of newly formulated the electron energy spectra in all the cases
- Represents a useful reference source for researchers and designers of quantized structures
- This book contains 100 open research problems which form the integral part of the text and are useful for both Ph.D. aspirants and researchers. Various expressions and a few chapters of this first monograph have been appearing for the first time in printed form