Behind my front door
Truusje van Zanten
Belletristik/Erzählende Literatur
Truusje has a mission. More than nineteen years ago, Truusje fled an abusive relationship with her children. In her first book, Truusje shared how she and her children became victims of domestic violence, how she escaped this and how she fights for her children. In her second book, Truusje shared how her traumas from then can have an impact on the present and how things can go terribly wrong in the jungle of professional care if cooperation between parents and professionals falters. Everything comes together in this final book. Truusje shares how she continues her own life and in it she goes back to the beginning: Her own youth. In a very candid way that is typical of Truusje. she talks about blockages, traumas and patterns. She literally accelerates by standing still every now and then, and she converts her experience into something positive: starting her own company and helping other parents.