Veterinary Healthcare Services Options in Delivery
Mukesh Gupta
Veterinary Healthcare Services: Options in Delivery book relies on the team approach to veterinary healthcare. The how to format, complete with examples and concepts, is a necessary primer for veterinarians in todays competitive society. The authors active clinicians, offer options and alternatives to old habits in the form of workable solutions. The solutions are then tailored to specific practices and their unique needs. The study has assessed the status and gaps in delivery of animal healthcare services, both curative and preventive. The study has revealed that the policy of delivery of subsidized animal healthcare services (AHS) does not seem to be serving its real purpose as most of the farmers in the study area have been observed to avail the services of private practitioners. The analysis of attributes associated with various AHS providers has revealed that proximity is the major constraining factor in the uptake of AHS. The crossbred cattle ownership, low economic status and distance from nearest AHS centre have emerged as the most significant variables affecting the choice of AHS providers.