Practical Manual On Principles Of Animal Nutrition And Feed Technology (As Per New VCIMSVE Regulations, 2016)
Sunil Nayak, R. P. S. Baghel
In this manual efforts have been made to cover a wide range of topics encompassing right from establishment of Animal Nutrition laboratory and requirements for various materials for different types of laboratories, sampling, preservation, preparation of standard solutions and chemical analysis of biological materials through routine Weende scheme including estimation of fibre function, gross energy and Near Infrared Spectroscopy. It was followed by estimation of incriminating/toxic factors in various unconventional feeds. Methods of conducting digestion and metabolism trial and assessment of In-vitro and In-sacco nutrient digestibility, In-vitro gas production, rumen simulation techniques (Rusitech) have been delt with sufficient details. Different techniques involoved in microbiological studies with reference to rumen and silage, analysis of rumen liquor for enzymatic activity and various metabolites and estimation of rumen fluid volume and its flow rate are covered in depth as assessment of these parameters are important in Animal Nutrition. Detail analysis of blood, milk, and certain aspects of urine and determination of body composition are incorporated as they are required to be analyzed as supportive parameters in various experimental studies. Important statistical designs commonly used in Animal Nutrition Research are also included as ready reference. The mentioned methods in the manual are prepared by experienced Teachers and research workers in their respective fields, keeping in view for easy adaptation.