Bhartiya Banking Vyavastha, Vitya Pranali Evem Vitya Sansthaan
Anand Swaroop
Schule und Lernen / Schulbücher Allgemeinbildende Schulen
The book offers a comprehensive guide to the banking system, financial markets, and institutions in India. It is structured into four parts for clarity and depth. The first part focuses on the Indian banking system's development, management, and structure, detailing the roles of various banks and the RBI, monetary policy, banking reforms, and more. The second part explores financial tools and instruments like the money market, capital market, and mutual funds, as well as financial institutions such as SEBI, NSE, BSE, and others. The third part discusses the roles and functions of various financial institutions at international, national, and state levels, including ICICI, IDBI, LIC, UTI, and more. The final part provides definitions of technical terms, abbreviations, self-assessment questions, and old exam papers, aiding in banking exam preparation. The book aims to offer a clear and accessible understanding of these complex subjects.
Financial Markets India, RBI Monetary Policy, Banking Institutions, Indian Banking System