Frank on the Lower Mississippi
Harry Castlemon
Ratgeber / Allgemeines, Lexika, Handbücher
Frank on th? Low?r Mississippi is an adv?ntur? nov?l writt?n by Harry Castl?mon, a prolific Am?rican author of childr?n's and young adult lit?ratur? during th? lat? 19th c?ntury. This book is part of Castl?mon's Frank N?lson s?ri?s, which follows th? ?scapad?s of its young protagonist, Frank. In this particular installm?nt, Frank N?lson ?mbarks on a thrilling journ?y down th? Mississippi Riv?r. Th? story tak?s r?ad?rs on an action-pack?d voyag?, as Frank navigat?s th? chall?ng?s of lif? on th? riv?r, ?ncount?rs div?rs? charact?rs, and fac?s a s?ri?s of daring adv?ntur?s. Along th? way, h? l?arns valuabl? l?ssons about courag?, r?sourc?fuln?ss, and th? importanc? of fri?ndship. Harry Castl?mon's writing is known for its ability to captivat? young r?ad?rs with ?xciting tal?s of ?xploration and discov?ry. Frank on th? Low?r Mississippi is no ?xc?ption, off?ring a vivid portrayal of lif? in th? Am?rican South during th? 19th c?ntury. Through Frank's adv?ntur?s, Castl?mon provid?s r?ad?rs with both ?nt?rtainm?nt and ?ducational insights into th? history, culture, and g?ography of th? Mississippi Riv?r r?gion. Th? book's ?nduring app?al li?s in its ability to transport r?ad?rs to a bygon? ?ra of riv?rboats, st?amships, and th? uniqu? chall?ng?s of a young nation.