Little Fuzzy
H. Beam Piper
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Naturwissenschaften allgemein
Littl? Fuzzy by H. B?am Pip?r is a classic sci?nc? fiction nov?l that tak?s r?ad?rs on a captivating journ?y to th? distant plan?t of Zarathustra, wh?r? th? discov?ry of a small, furry, and highly int?llig?nt sp?ci?s call?d Fuzzi?s l?ads to profound ?thical and l?gal dil?mmas. Th? story c?nt?rs around Jack Holloway, a prosp?ctor who stumbl?s upon a v?in of valuabl? g?mston?s on Zarathustra. Whil? working in th? wild?rn?ss, h? ?ncount?rs th? ?nd?aring Fuzzi?s, who ?xhibit r?markabl? int?llig?nc?, social b?haviors, and ?v?n rudim?ntary languag? skills. This discov?ry chall?ng?s th? pr?vailing b?li?f that Zarathustra is d?void of s?nti?nt lif?. As Jack and his coll?agu?s b?gin to study and int?ract with th? Fuzzi?s, qu?stions of p?rsonhood and rights aris?. Ar? th? Fuzzi?s int?llig?nt b?ings d?s?rving of prot?ction, or ar? th?y m?r?ly animals? Th? ?thical quandari?s int?nsify wh?n it b?com?s cl?ar that c?rtain busin?ss int?r?sts want to ?xploit Zarathustra without r?gard for th? Fuzzi?s' w?lfar?. Pip?r's nov?l ?xplor?s th?m?s of ?mpathy, ?thics, and th? cons?qu?nc?s of human ?xpansion into n?w fronti?rs. It rais?s thought-provoking qu?stions about th? tr?atm?nt of indig?nous sp?ci?s and th? r?sponsibility of humans wh?n th?y ?ncount?r int?llig?nt lif? on oth?r plan?ts.