Surya Namaskara
Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Ratgeber / Entspannung, Yoga, Meditation, Autogenes Training
Surya Namskara, or salutation to the sun, is an important yogic practice which dates back to the ancient vedic period when the sun was worshipped as a powerful symbol of spiritual consciousness. From it's esoteric origins Surya Namskara has developed into a practice of twelve postures which weave together to generate prana (subtle energy),aiming towards the purification and rejuvenation of the practitioner.
This Book discusses in detail the full practice of Surya Namaskara, including the surya and bija mantras, points of concentration and extended guidelines to aid both practitioners and teachers. An in-depth physiological study of Surya Namskara supports it's present day use as a powerful therapeutic practice.
bhakti, physique, well-being, self-healing, energy, pranayama, sun, exercise, ayurveda, asanas, yoga, vedas, consciousness, surya