The Holy Piby
Robert Athlyi Rogers
Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Medien, Kommunikation
Originally published in 1924, "The Holy Piby" (also known as the
Black Man's Bible) by Robert Athlyi Rogers is a very rare, pre-Rastafarian book, which was banned in the 1920's by Jamaica for it's controversial proclamations; despite the ban, the book and it's followers succeeded in planting the seeds which would become Rastafarianism.
"The Holy Piby" is the text of a religion called the Afro-Athlican Constructive Gaathly, which viewed the Ethiopians as the Chosen People of the Bible. This controversial text and religion made liberation inroads into the diamond mines of South Africa, Panama, and many other places were oppression laboured.
Rogers' religious movement, the Afro Athlican Constructive Church, saw Ethiopians (in the Biblical sense of Black Africans) as the chosen people of God, and proclaimed Marcus Garvey, the prominent Black Nationalist, an apostle. The church preached self-reliance and self-determination for Africans.
Jamaica, The Holy Piby hardcover, Robert Athlyi Rogers, The Holy Piby, Bob Marley, Ethiopia, Afro Athlican Constructive Church, Self-determination, Apostle, Rastafarian, Afro-Athlican, Afro-Athlican Constructive Gaathly, pre-Rastafarian, the holy piby the black man's bible, Chosen People of the Bible, Marcus Garvey, the holy piby robert athlyi rogers, Black Man's Bible, Oppression, Bible, Classic, Black Race, Religious movement, Black Nationalism, Ethiopian, Controversial, Robert Athlyi Rogers the holy piby, Africa, Reggae, Rastafarianism