Phineas Redux
Anthony Trollope
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"Phineas Redux" is the fourth book in Trollope’s
Palliser series and continues the story begun in the second book, "Phineas Finn".
After the death of his Irish wife, Phineas Finn returns to London and to the House of Commons. But though drawn back apparently irresistibly, he never approaches politics with the zest of earlier days.
What Trollope describes, in some of his most powerful writing, is a sad, at times almost sombre, progress towards maturity and self-wisdom.
Novels in the
Palliser series:
1- Can You Forgive Her? (1864)
2- Phineas Finn (1869)
3- The Eustace Diamonds (1873)
4- Phineas Redux (1874)
5- The Prime Minister (1876)
6- The Duke's Children (1879)
The series overlaps with Trollope's
Chronicles of Barsetshire, also a series of six novels, which deal with life in the fictional county where the Palliser family is politically important.
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