My Struggle- Teaser Version
Ash Bunsee
Belletristik/Erzählende Literatur
Exciting, awe inspiring, gripping, addictive, and believable are some of the words that come to mind when reading this book.
My Struggle is an astonishing three part Illuminati expose. “Although branded as a work of fiction, its classification does not lay easy into a specific litery genre because of the vast array of subjects that it covers. The book’s frame narrative fascinatingly leads one into corridors of several mind boggling mini stories that magically adds up to a well rounded whole saga of epic proportions!
Then burning question is, is “My Struggle” which is based on an amazing encyclopedia range of topics… “Is it non - fiction disguised tongue in cheek as a work of fiction?” You be the judge!
I like the captivating way the author smoothly folds everyday pragmatic life issues into surreal and fascinating subjects like ufology, Egyptology, philosophy, economic, politics, science, secret societies, mystery schools, Luciferism, and a bit of history.
Reading My Struggle has answered my longstanding curiosity about conspiracy theories, mystery schools, secret societies and the deep dark secrets about the Illuminati.
Aside from the above listed range of dazzling topics, My Struggle ties in evocatively with dozens of other different diverse dark subjects… from predatory global corporations to celebrities to dark arts, to shamanism to Buddhism to Area 51 to Artificial Intelligence to rule by secrecy to paranormal activities and to eastern arcane disciplines. Now does My Struggle deal with complex subject matters? “A resounding yes,” Does it make for a boring read? no never!
At the books core is a fascinating and powerfully told story about the illusive and complex destructive secret society that is loosely known to us as the Illuminati.
The author has skillfully taken complete control of this dauntingly complex subject and masterfully reduces it by using multiple and varied methodologies to an “object de art” of simple reading in easy words… but alas! most importantly that writer keeps the dynamism of the subject matter intact to a frame of simple, concise and easy yet intriguing reading…all this whilst exploring a backdrop of enchanting natural mysteries and fascinating worldly wonders!
This is a story that has completely held me spellbound and wonderfully fried my mind in the process, oh yeah!
I must confess that the deep meaning and excitement of my reading experience still lingers on long after the deed has been done. In this here book I got more than my monies worth… for sure!
I was only able to grasp the true brilliantly hidden meaning embedded in the prologue only when I completed reading the entire book.
This spine tingling dynamite is a must read for those who will allow for their minds to enter into the secret world that is hidden in plain sight of the Illuminati global control.
The Illuminati plagues us all and the story also tellingly perfectly fits into those, whose minds are in search of answers… answers to fantastic mind boggling questions about this world… otherwise in the absence of this story, I opine that many of these answers that I speak of may not be easily found elsewhere if ever!
Was the original manuscript of this book really stolen by a venerable global technological institute as asserted?
Read this book now and allow for a powerful metamorphosis of your mind to the upside!
This book is more a library than a simple book but hugely enjoyable none the less!