Vedanta Philosophy: How to be a Yogi. Vol III
Swami Abhedananda
Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe, Alltag
The Vedanta Philosophy includes the different branches of the Science of Yoga. Four of these have already been treated at length by the Swami Vivekananda in his works on “Raja Yoga,” “Karma Yoga,” “Bhakti Yoga,” and “Jnana Yoga”; but there existed no short and consecutive survey of the science as a whole. It is to meet this need that the present volume has been written. In an introductory chapter are set forth the true province of religion and the full significance of the word “spirituality” as it is understood in India. Next follows a comprehensive definition of the term “Yoga,” with short chapters on each of the five paths to which it is applied, and their respective practices. An exhaustive exposition of the Science of Breathing and its bearing on the highest spiritual development shows the fundamental physiological principles on which the whole training of Yoga is based; while a concluding chapter, under the title “Was Christ a Yogi?” makes plain the direct relation existing between the lofty teachings of Vedanta and the religious faiths of the West.