Urban-Rural Assembly
Ava Lynam (Hrsg.), Li Fan (Hrsg.), Sigrun Langner (Hrsg.), Wolfgang Wende (Hrsg.), Lukas Pappert (Hrsg.), Maria Frölich-Kulik (Hrsg.), Laura Henneke (Hrsg.), Gaoli Xiao (Hrsg.), Anke Hagemann (Hrsg.)
Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Architektur
As our planet is becoming increasingly urbanized, the ways we think about cities and urbanism are also being fundamentally reconfigured. However, current urban planning approaches often remain stuck in urban-rural dualisms that do not reflect the multilayered interrelationships and material flows of goods and people in these increasingly interconnected urban-rural regions.
Urban-Rural Assembly handbook brings together reflections and best practices using the example of dynamically transforming living labs in an urban-rural region in eastern China. With the help of innovative methods and analytical concepts, this region is being captured from multiple perspectives in order to identify important starting points for a sustainable transformation of wider territories. The book provides practical guidance on how to collaboratively investigate, envision, and plan today’s urban-rural regions worldwide.
- Handbook for the sustainable development of urban-rural regions
- Planning aid for transformation processes in dynamic urban areas
- Comprehensive cartographic material on living labs in eastern China
living labs, resource efficiency, Kongcun, translocal interdependencies, sustainable urban transformation, resource management, regional circular economy, Yangtze Flussdelta, Ressourcenmanagement, sozialökologische Transformation, community-oriented development, Technische Universität Berlin, sustainability, Translokale Interdependenzen, Shanghai University, Songyang, Nachhaltige Stadtplanung, Ressourceneffizienz, Tongji University Shanghai, Stadt-Land-Regionen, Zhejiang University, Reallabor, Zhejiang Province, gemeinschaftsorientierte Entwicklung, Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung, Yangtze River Delta, Huangyan-Taizhou, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Nachhaltigkeit, Nordhausen, Regionale Kreislaufwirtschaft, socio-ecological transformation, Urban-rural regions, sustainable urban planning, IBA Thüringen