Bradys Beyond Their Depth; Or, The Great Swamp Mystery
Francis Worcester Doughty
Belletristik / Hauptwerk vor 1945
Excerpt: "e;"e;Help! Police! Murder!"e; It was a dark, rainy night in March when this thrilling cry, in a man's voice, came from a house in West Thirty-sixth street, New York. Two detectives were passing along from Seventh avenue, toward Broadway, when the wild appeal brought them to a sudden pause. "e;Hark, Old King Brady!"e; one of them exclaimed. "e;Did you hear that cry?"e; "e;Somebody in distress, Harry,"e; replied the tall, gaunt old man, as he shot a keen glance around. "e;This is a dangerous neighborhood."e; The stylishly-dressed youth of twenty nodded, felt to see if he had a revolver in his pocket, and pointed at an undertaker's wagon standing in front of one of a row of houses opposite. "e;Queer hour for that fellow to be doing business!"e; he remarked. "e;There isn't a light in any of that row of houses, yet the undertaker must be in one of them."e; "e;Help! Help!"e; came the mysterious voice in smothered tones once more. This time the Secret Service men located the sound."e;