The Basics of Pool Billiards
Based on the knowledge of Jerry Briesath, the founder of The Pool School. Begin playing the sport of pool billiards using the teaching methods of the POOL SCHOOL
Uwe Sander, David Alfieri
9,99 €
Ratgeber / Sonstige Sportarten
The Pool School Germany is the first exclusive Pool School in Germany where the curriculum and training procedures are based upon the same fundamentals applied at the Pool School USA. The Pool School USA is a renowned american Pool Billiard academy based in Madison, Wisconsin. The Pool School USA is administrated by one of the most experienced and successful Pool Billiard trainers worldwide, Mr. Jerry Briesath.
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Weitere Titel in dieser Kategorie
Sport, Training, POOL SCHOOL, Pool-Billiard, 8-Ball, Poolbilliard, Billiard, practising, 9-Ball