Vocational Education in European Regions
Fabienne-Agnes Baumann (Hrsg.), Dietmar Frommberger (Hrsg.), Paolo Bertuletti (Hrsg.), Francesco Magni (Hrsg.), Johannes Karl Schmees (Hrsg.)
Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Bildungswesen
Comparative studies on vocational education and training (VET) structures employ various theoretical approaches, leading to numerous classifications of national VET systems over time. However, these classifications often oversimplify the complexity of local labour and training ecosystems. This book summarises the research findings of a joint project between researchers from Osnabrück University, Germany, and the University of Bergamo, Italy, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The project compared VET structures in European regions, specifically Lower Saxony (Germany) and Lombardy (Italy). In this context, 'region' refers to sub-national geographical divisions coinciding with political-administrative boundaries. The project paid particular attention to the apprenticeship systems in both regions. This regional focus approvided valuable insights into regional specificities of VET structures that may have remained hidden when comparing national systems.
School System, Skill Ecosystem, Dual Apprenticeship, School Dualism, Vocational Teacher Training, Vocational Education and Training, Right to Education, VET Schools, Vocational Education and Training System, Social Ecosystem Model, Italian Regionalism, Lombardy, Study Models, Germany, Italian School System, School-Based Vocational Education and Training, Vocational Education and Training Systems and Structures, Comparative Research, History of Vocational Education and Training, 19th Century, Diversity, Challenges, Educational Opportunities, Regional Vocational Education and Training, Academisation, Innovation, Heterogeneity, Duty to Education, Short Cycle Tertiary Education, Education Policies, Dual Study Programmes