The Precariat and the Insider/Outsider in Industrialized Democracies
Julian Torres Roa
Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Vergleichende und internationale Politikwissenschaft
Essay from the year 2016 in the subject Politics - Topic: European Union, grade: 10, , course: Master in Political Sciences, language: English, abstract: In a historical moment in which the borders are broken (symbolically speaking), the influences of individuals, groups, movements, ideas or policies generate new types of interactions in different realities. Few democracies conditions differ from each other; and one of the few differences are the “working conditions” that are part and build the industries in each country. In the less advanced industrial democracies, industry survives based on labor conditions are no longer considered "crisis" to assume as everyday realities. In contrast, in the advanced industrial democracies, these same conditions re-acquire its dimension of "crisis" because it is not planned within their public police; one aspect which so far is making visible it`s existence.
Political Sciences, Precariat, Europe, Policy, Democracies, EU