Determinants Of The Capital Structure Of The Cement Industry From Pakistan
Muhammad Bilal
Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Betriebswirtschaft
Master's Thesis from the year 2015 in the subject Business economics - Operations Research, University of Lahore (Lahore Business School), language: English, abstract: This research/study has been conducted on the capital structure of the cement industry Pakistan taking the sample of 11 companies out of the population of 24 companies registered on the Karachi stock exchange of the period 2001 to 2015. This study used the least square method to find out the relationship of dependent and independent variables. It has taken leverage as a dependent variable and firm size, growth, liquidity, tangibility, non debt tax shield, and profitability as a independent variables, while the 3 independent variables have not supported the assumption (riddance test) of linear regression model, which is profitability liquidity and growth, thus its carry out the research on the remaining 4 variables which is dependent variable leverage and independent variables non debt tax shield, tangibility and firm size. The outcome of the research is demonstrated after analyzing that there is negative relationship in between the firm size and Non debt tax shield with leverage, while there is positive relationship in between the tangibility and leverage. So after analyzing it has been determined the main determinates of capital structure of the cement industry is tangibility of asset.
pakistan, liquidity, growth, leverage, capital structure, cement industry