To what extent are zoo landscapes staged? A touristic walk through the Wilhelma zoo
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Geografie
Scientific Essay from the year 2022 in the subject Geography / Earth Science - Tourism Geography, grade: 1,0, University of Tubingen, language: English, abstract: This article deals with the staging of zoo landscapes. The Wilhelma Zoo in Stuttgart was examined using a phenomenological approach. In particular, aspects such as the perception of zoo landscapes and atmospheres as well as the question of how the tourist experience is influenced by the staged theme worlds are examined. First, the history and development of zoological gardens is outlined. This is followed by the theoretical framing, which combines social constructivist landscape research, the concept of atmosphere, phenomenology, Foucault's other spaces, theme worlds, landscape hybrids and the tourist experience towards the object of study. With the phenomenological approach, a strong interlocking of theory and empiricism is brought about. Therefore, the method of the phenomenological walk is also described in parallel, linked with theory and finally interpreted. In addition to the clearly more intensive engagement with the staged zoo landscapes due to the method, the focus on the tourist experience rather than on a realistic representation for the living beings is particularly noticeable. The representation of something different and an observable immersive effect are also aspects that will be discussed in more detail in this article.
atmosphere, hybridity, phenomenological walk, social constructivism, Wilhelma Zoo, Zoological Garden, visitor experience, theme worlds, staging of landscapes