Authenticity in Christopher Isherwood's Autobiographical Works. A Comparative Analysis
Julia Reuter
Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Englische Sprachwissenschaft / Literaturwissenschaft
Master's Thesis from the year 2011 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, grade: 1,0, Humboldt-University of Berlin (Centre for British Studies), course: British Studies, language: English, abstract: This study delves into the complex world of Christopher Isherwood's autobiographical works, exploring how he constructs authenticity and how readers are expected to respond. Isherwood, known for his candor and professional charm, often relied on his journals for inspiration in his novels, blurring the lines between fiction and autobiography. Drawing from prevalent theories on autobiography, this research focuses on Isherwood's autobiographical novel "Lions and Shadows" (1938), his family memoir "Kathleen and Frank" (1971), and his autobiography "Christopher and His Kind" (1976). Through a comparative analysis of these texts, we aim to uncover the extent of Isherwood's "apparent candour" and shed light on his unique approach to authenticity in autobiographical storytelling.
English literature, Lions and Shadows, authenticity, autobiographical pact, Cabaret, Christopher and His Kind, Christopher Isherwood, Kathleen and Frank, autobiography, autobiographical writing, life-writing