Beyond the Instrumentalised Economy
Garrett Thomson
Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Politik und Wirtschaft
The concept of an economy requires us to characterise what human life and society are fundamentally about, or what is valuable and why. This includes our social relations with each other and to the ecosystems we live in, as well as our happiness, well-being and flourishing.
Beyond the Instrumentalised Economy defines what work, consumption and the use of natural resources would look like if they were not instrumentalised. This enables the reader to see how a company would work in a non-instrumentalised economy, and what would constitute a non-instrumentalised market. Based on this, the book provides insight concerning how investment would work in such an economy, and the main features of a non-instrumentalised financial system.
Alternatives to Capitalism, Wirtschaftsdemokratie, Alternativen zum Kapitalismus, Ecological and green economics, alternative Wirtschaftsformen, Economic democracy, Umweltökonomie, Non-instrumentalized investment, Investment, Well-being Economy