Scholia in Euripidis ›Andromacham‹
Jacopo Cavarzeran
Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Altertum
This edition contains the Greek text of the scholia (vetera and recentiora) and the glosses to Euripides’ Andromacha with a critical apparatus and an apparatus of loci similes. The purpose of this work is to improve Schwartz’s edition both in recensio and constitution of the text. The recensio involves all the extant witnesses of the scholia to this tragedy, from antiquity to the Renaissance, instead of the three manuscripts collated by Schwartz. The introduction consists in two chapters: the former one examines the manuscript tradition and the latter investigates the relationship between the scholia and critical interpretation of the Euripidean text in antiquity. The volume ends with the edition of the Triclinian scholia to Andromacha from Laur. plut. 32.2.
griechische Tragödien, Demetrius Triclinius, scholia, Textkritik, Scholien, textual criticism, Greek tragedy