Prolegomena a Donato, "Commentum ad Andriam"
Carmela Cioffi
ca. 144,95 €
Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Klassische Sprachwissenschaft / Literaturwissenschaft
The first part of this companion volume to the new Editio Teubneriana of Donato’s commentary on Terence’s Andria offers a detailed presentation of the work’s history of transmission from the Middle Ages through the Renaissance. The second part includes a critical commentary with detailed explanations of the contested portions of the text.
<br><em>James E. G. Zetzel in: BMCR 2019.03.21</em> </p>
<p> „In conclusion, Cioffi has produced a high-quality and elegant edition, complemented by a volume of ‘Prolegomena’, which offers a fine specimen of textual criticism and stemmatics.“ <em>Giuseppe Pezzini in: Gnomon, 2020, H. 2, 120-124</em> </p>
<p> "Her book will be useful for those who are working with Donatus’ commentary on Terence; [...]"
<p> "Her book will be useful for those who are working with Donatus’ commentary on Terence; [...]"
Weitere Titel von diesem Autor
Weitere Titel in dieser Kategorie
intratextuality, Rezeptionsgeschichte, intertextuality, Terenz, Epic poetry, Donat