Climate Science Concepts Born in Hamburg
Martin Heimann, Martin Claussen, Robert Sausen, et al.
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Sonstiges
Since the foundation of the Max Planck Institute in 1975 with the now-Nobel laureate Klaus Hasselmann as founding director, the climate science in Hamburg has seen a remarkable boost. Various ideas were brought forward, implemented and tested. Many of them ignited interest in the global scientific community, thus adding significant momentum to the development of modern climate science.
The participants of the remarkable development since 1975 have come together to identify these concepts “born in Hamburg”. In an introductory chapter, the historical development, including other significant developments of climate science in the late 19th and early 20th century are addressed.
The main part consists of chapters addressing the development of key innovative concepts. These are chosen to describe ideas which have been suggested by scientists while working in Hamburg and have been taken up by the international community in applications and advancements (such as the stochastic framing of dynamics and analysis, adding carbon cycles to climate models, multiple equilibria in climate models, anomaly coupling, downscaling, and constructed proxies). These ideas may not in all cases have been strictly new, or “firsts”, but they were the Hamburg publications which made the difference.
The book is mostly a book on scientific concepts and ideas, less so a general history of climate science in Hamburg.
Multiple Equilibria, Carbon Cycles, Completing Climate Models, Climate Models, Stochasticity in Dynamics and Analysis, Klaus Hasselmann