The new road to success
Schule und Lernen / Schulbücher Allgemeinbildende Schulen
This 14th volume of the Glion Colloquia provides an insight into resilience and how universities can enhance it for the benefi t of society. Universities seek solutions that contribute to a globally resilient society by promoting policy decisions based on research evidence. Th is volume discusses how universities should engage with society and what collaborations might look like, using our many resources, including our convening power, to mitigate or overcome the crises of today and tomorrow. Suggestions range from strong community engagement to rethinking and restructuring universities to improve their own capacity to work across disciplines and adapt more quickly to urgent crises, moving from theory and research to action. Th e contributors propose models for how universities can work across disciplines and contribute to the resilience and well-being of the societies they serve. In doing so, universities begin to build the trust in their institutions and in science that is so essential to their shared future.
In this context, diff erent forms of collaboration are discussed: Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Collaboration; Sustainable Local, National and International Collaboration; Multistakeholder Collaboration; Equality and Mutual Respect in the context of Sustainable Higher Education Collaboration.
Isca editions, Research evidences, Societies, Well-being, Ebooks, Crisis mitigations, Yves Flückiger, Restructurings, Policy decisions, Action-oriented approaches, Models for collaborations, Contributions of Universities towards more resilient Societies, Community engagements, Educations, Human sciences, Convening powers, Ana Mari Cause, Interdisciplinary collaborations, Resiliences, The New Road to Success, Trust, Ivanka Popovic, Shared futures