How to Save the World
Belletristik / Lyrik, Dramatik
All proceeds from this anthology will be donated to various food programs and nonprofits to fight hunger!
More than 820 million people in the world have insufficient food and other substances for good health and condition. Undernourished kids, hunger, and malnutrition are the number one risk to health - greater than AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined. *Data from the United Nations Website
Worsening economies, climate emergencies, and the pandemic pushed more and more people into starvation. We have a commitment to help those in need. We are all human.
As a result, besides publishing impactful and inspirational stories, we've been taking part in different projects to help better life on Earth. This book is part of our bigger project to end hunger!
How to Save the World includes poems about how we want the world to be, how it can be a better place, things we can do to improve, how things have been bad but are getting better, and much more!
All proceeds from this anthology will be donated to various food programs and nonprofits to fight hunger!
We will pick a different charity, food program, nonprofit, and/or food bank to donate from time to time. Please refer to our website for the most up-to-date information about our efforts.
Poems proudly written and donated by Bailey Gee, Cat Webling, Cori Nevruz, Daniel Shatz, Diana Coombes, Eric Williams, Lali A. Love, Malcolm Whitby, M.A. Quigley, Neelam Lashari, Norb Aikin, Rachael DK, R.S. Rutherford, Sean Stevens, and Sky Boivin, exclusively for this project.
fight worldwide hunger with a poem 5310 publishing, Diana Coombes Lali A. Love Malcolm Whitby, Inspirational modern poetry anthology save earth, Rachael DK Cat Webling Bailey Gee Daniel Shatz, M.A. Quigley Cori Nevruz Eric Williams Norb Aikin, modern and contemporary poetry Neelam Lashari, poems charity nonprofit Sky Boivin Sean Stevens