Jenisbel Acevedo
Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe, Alltag
Why A Raft of Dreams?
The answer is simple: in our country, dreams were blurred-if they existed at all. That boat gave us back the ability to dream, and now, almost 31 years later, I see it as a symbol of the hope that was taken from us. But when I was 9, that boat represented a lot of fear and pain, as it meant leaving behind everything I knew.
I wrote this book not only to offer encouragement to the children and families who have gone through this difficult experience, but also to reveal the harsh reality of the immigrant. I wanted to tell it from the perspective of a child because I believe we all have that inner child, and I wanted to express it through my own life's lens. No matter where you come from, this book reflects a piece of all of us, because no one chooses to leave their homeland; sometimes, we simply have no other choice.
Immigrant journey • Balseros Cubanos • Inspiration for families • Overcoming adversity • Cuban immigrant story • Hope and resilience • Emotional storytelling • Personal growth • Children's empowerment • Dreams and freedom