The Last Call
J.E. Hollins
Belletristik / Dramatik
Melanie are you dressed?
"Yes, mom. I told him to put him down but he ain't listening.
"We can't leave him, mom. We'll stop and get him a treat on our way back home, okay?
Ken answered reluctantly, hanging his head down sadly as he walked back down the hall to his room where Snoop's kennel was kept. He was going to ask his mom once she saw how much of a big boy he was. And without any prodding from his mom this Sunday morning.
Mom turned the corner in a frenzy, mentally checking off her list.
Keys, purse, Bible... SH!#! She silently asked God for forgiveness for losing control of her language and hurried upstairs to retrieve her book.
As she chided herself for not telling Melanie to grab this week's lesson, the phone rang.
Brring... Bbbrring... Bbrrriiinngg!!
She figured she'd pick it up as she entered her room.
"Just a minute!" she shouted as if the inanimate object could hear or answer back.
"Why does it seem that that d@×m phone gets louder the longer it takes to answer it?"
She snatched the receiver out of her purse and yelled into it, clearly irritated.
"Angelica Watson?" came the male voice on the other end.
"Who's asking?" Angel (Angelica's nickname) was not in the mood for any nonsense, especially since she didn't recognize the voice.
"Is this Angelica Watson?" The voice asked again, patiently and peacefully, knowing the answer.
Angelica sighed aggressively, really not wanting to be late for church.
"WHO IS THIS?!" she asked loudly, this time preparing to hang up.
The person on the other end paused, then answered.
"This is... God."
Drama, Call, Faith