SURRENDER ALL TO GOD OR BE DECEIVED!!! (The Endtime Spirit of Deception)
Robert L. Shepherd Jr.
Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Religion/Theologie
I dedicate this book to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who sent His Only Begotten Son to save and deliver us from the Kingdom of Darkness to offer us Eternal Life in the Kingdom of His Dear Son...
In John Chapter 14, Jesus, eyes fixed on the Cross, consoles his disciple with these words: "Let not your heart be trouble, ye believe in God, believe also in me... In my father House are many Mansions. If it was not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a Place for you... And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again to receive you unto myself-that where I am, you may be also..."
Readers, Jesus is returning SOON...
Hearken to the call of God's Voice, beckoning you to the blood-stained-cross and be prepared when HE comes-don't be Left Behind!!!
kingdom of darkness, savior, eternal life