The Rocky Road of Naughty Neurons
Sylvia Bryden-Stock
Ratgeber / Gesundheit
Sylvia and her husband, Brian, were enjoying an unconditionally loving relationship when suddenly, it all changed, and Sylvia found herself investigating young-onset Alzheimer's disease. A nursing and care home management background did not prepare Sylvia for the journey ahead. The Rocky Road of Naughty Neurons explains the journey she and her husband took when he was diagnosed with the condition. The blessings on their journey have been many, as they have been determined to do their very best to make each day a positive one with lots of laughter. Sylvia has drawn on her inner spiritual strength plus coaching mechanisms to work at being able to "choose peace during the most challenging moments." Sylvia's story takes you from prediagnosis to Brian being at the start of full-time care and includes many tips for carers.
Alzheimer, nursing, care home management