Soul Purpose
Jason Kemp
Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe, Alltag
At a time when our mental health and well-being have never been so important to address, Soul Purpose provides some up to date information and techniques for bringing an enhanced sense of balance into our lives. The way we participate in the everyday world is coming under scrutiny as many of us ask the question 'What is my purpose here?'
Soul Purpose provides some answers to the long asked questions and brings clarity to the inner issues that we face. It shines a light on the bigger picture and gives context and understanding to our purpose.
Meditation and visualisation are powerful tools.
Part Two of this book contains techniques that
will quieten, balance and focus the mind, opening
the inner senses to help us reclaim a sense of real
We are currently living through an Avataric Age; a period of time when the whole of creation receives an energetic push to wake up and become something more. As such we are in the dawning of a new age.
Soul Purpose offers an introduction to the diverse changes entering our lives at this time. It serves as a guide, helping us to receive more, become more and truly live more. It is part of an open spiritual view, bringing the reader spiritual concepts in a practical everyday sense. It is suitable for those who are new to this subject and also those who are well travelled along their path.
Soul Purpose