Repetitive Cycle of Going in Circles
Robert L. Shepherd Jr.
Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe, Alltag
This book will take you on an exciting journey and you will observe Christian Pilgrims--beginning with the iconic Abraham, the Father of Faith; and other men of God, as they like John Bunyan's character Christian, leave their country to pursue a Celestial City--a city in the heavenlies-one not built or made by hands.You will see through these men's stories which I shall portray to you in this book--a familiar and similar struggle of a repetitive cycle...a repetitive cycle of going in circles.Like the main character Christian, in the epic by John Bunyan; be aware that all who pick up their cross in their pursuit of this Celestial City will face opposition and dangers; dangers seen and unseen. The reason they will face these challenges is because our adversary, slewfoot (the devil), will always try to hinder pilgrims from reaching this Heavenly City.We are in 2021, the time of a worldwide pandemic. The Spirit of God has compelled me, at this hour to write this book to inform His travelers that the perilous journey is ending. So knelling down, they should look up rejoicing; for redemption draweth nigh! But it's time for saints to grow up... The whole earth is and has been groaning for the manifestation of the sons of God. It's time now for the people to know their God-be strong, do exploits and win souls for the KING... I pray this book encourages you to do just that.