Things I Wish [...] Knew
Rachelle Dené Poth
Sarah-Jane Thomas, LLC d/b/a EduMatch
Ratgeber / Sammeln, Sammlerkataloge
"Forgive yourself for not having the foresight to know what now seems so obvious in hindsight." -Judy Belmont
How often have you caught yourself saying "I wish I knew that" or "If only they knew..."? We have all been there. We can always look back and wish that we could change something, but the key is to use that knowledge and make a difference now. We learn from reflecting on our own experiences and by connecting with other educators to learn from theirs.
In Things I Wish [...] Knew, Rachelle Dené Poth has brought in fifty educators with different experiences and backgrounds in education to share something they wish they or others knew. Each vignette shares an eye-opening experience, a valuable lesson learned, advice for overcoming challenges, or simply offers some inspiration or words of wisdom.
Throughout this book, you will learn from educators who hope to help others make a difference, to make some changes in their practice, and to avoid missing out on opportunities. The book explores things that each educator wishes they knew when they started teaching, something they wish that administrators knew, or things that they wish all students knew. I hope that this book will lead you to reflect on your own practice and inspire you to share your story too.
reflection, administrators, hindsight, students, teaching, connection, educators