No More Open Doors
Kimani Smith
Ratgeber / Familie
Shocking to most people, and intentionally done by others, doorways open to Satan allow demonization.
The word demonization can initially sound overwhelming and frightening. Ultimately, it is an influence, knowingly or unknowingly, disturbing peace, interfering with God-given destiny, and misleading people to act contrary to their own desired outcomes.
No More Open Doors, answers common questions, such as:
¨ Can a Christian have a demon?
¨ How can a Christian be demonized?
¨ What does the Bible say about the Ministry of Deliverance?
No More Open Doors, will heighten your awareness of deception and guide you to close open doors, access points of the enemy, through your EYES, EARS, GENERATIONAL CURSES, RAPE & TRAUMA, DEMONIZED OBJECTS, UNFORGIVENESS, FEAR, REJECTION, WITCHCRAFT,
& TATTOOS, and lead you through the Doorway of Freedom.
Through Pastor Kimani Smith's experiences, research, prayer, & impartations from the Holy Spirit, he clearly articulates and equates demonization to the influence the enemy gains in our lives through doorways, ignorantly or deliberately opened, and compassionately shares our way to victory through Jesus Christ.
ministry of deliverance, deliverance, ears, witchcraft, demonized objects, doorways, kimani smith, no more open doors, tattoos, demonization, generational curses, delivered, rape, christian, fear, jesus christ, unforgiveness, trauma, freedom, demon, help, eyes, holy spirit, rejection