The FIVES Strategy for Reading Comprehension
Nancy-Jill Roberts, Mary Shea
Learning Sciences International
Schule und Lernen / Schulbücher Allgemeinbildende Schulen
Mary Shea and Nancy Roberts walk educators through helping students develop authentic, real-world skills, focusing on Facts, Inferences, Vocabulary, Experiences, Summary, and applying knowledge acquired to write cohesive paragraphs and essays. In this book, the authors explore:
• Intervention strategies for various groups
• Working with English-language learners
• Meeting Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
• Discussions that enhance learning and build community
The FIVES Path to Full Comprehension translates into college, career, and life skills that lead to success. Each part of the FIVES strategy connects to specific standards and can be universally applied across disciplines to develop high levels of competence in all learners.