Just Stop Picking Losers!
Vicki Carpel Miller, PhD Ellie Izzo
Why is it that when you meet the "e;right person,"e; you seem to know it's "e;right"e; in a minute? But when you meet the "e;wrong person,"e; you don't realize it's "e;wrong"e; for at least a couple of years? We heard this joke on late night television and while wefound it to be very amusing, we also saw a lot of truth in it. How many of you have remained in bad relationships with a "e;loser,"e; or more clinically, a maladjusted person, long after you knew being with that person was no longer helpful to your emotional health? Everyone wants love in their life. It seems to give purpose and meaning to just about everything we do. But some people's idea of love can literally kill. You've probably heard the startling statistics that the number one person of interest in homicide investigations is the victim's significant other. Talk about being with the wrong person! Why is it acceptable for many people to remain in relationships with abusers, misfits, deadbeats and losers? It's an issue for you. You want to know. That's why youbought this book. Rest assured, you are not alone. Everyone wants love in their life. We want you to have love in your life, but healthy love. The kind of love that helps you grow, brings out the best in you, and creates a lot of positive energy. Somethingis blocking your ability to attract that kind of love. This book will help you remove the obstacles to magnetizing a wonderful love in your direction and most of all help you to Just Stop Picking Losers!