Into the Cthulhu-Universe
Steven Paulsen (Hrsg.), Christopher Sequeira (Hrsg.)
Belletristik / Horror
With his Cthulhu Mythos, H. P. Lovecraft' s original and brilliant fusions of science fiction, supernatural horror and surreal fantasy often purposely crossed genres to mind boggling effect.Since then, many of his contemporaries and modern writers alike have continued to grow the lore.Now, we throw the doors wide open on that combinative approach to bring you truly amazing tales where strange Lovecraftian ideas have spilled into the worlds of characters you know and love, like Alice' s Wonderland, Tom Sawyer, Dracula, John Carter of Mars and more.Not mash-ups, but original stories in other literary landscapes. It doesn' t mater how unlikely a setting for the macabre or fantastic your favourite literary genre might seem in this dazzling collection, the realms between realities melt and coalesce, the familiar becomes the unthinkable, the predictable becomes the startling!An astounding, horrific, thought provoking and entertaining buffet of modern fantasy, by some of the best writers in the field, from grandmasters to up-and-comers.