The Pruning Principle
Michael Rosenbrock, Dr Simon Breakspear
Schule und Lernen / Schulbücher Allgemeinbildende Schulen
The Pruning Principle offers a groundbreaking approach to educational leadership, drawing inspiration from horticulture to address the chronic issues of overwork and inefficiency in schools. The authors, Dr Simon Breakspear and Michael Rosenbrock, propose a radical shift from the culture of "doing more" to one of strategic subtraction, arguing that by carefully pruning away non-essential tasks and initiatives, schools can achieve better outcomes with less strain on resources and staff.
This practical guide provides a comprehensive framework for implementing The Pruning Principle in educational settings. It outlines the causes of current challenges, introduces the concept and mechanics of pruning, and offers detailed, actionable steps for creating sustainable work rhythms and decision-making processes. With its focus on achievable improvement and educator wellbeing, this book promises to be an invaluable resource for school leaders seeking to cultivate more-effective and balanced educational environments.
time management for educators, teachers, Education policy, education reform, balanced workload, school management, systems, wellbeing, leadership